His Divine Grace
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada dedicated so much of his
time to expose the bogus philosophy of Darwin, he even said that
the more we assist him in this regards the more we would advance
in spiritual consciousness.
Prabhupada: Darwin is a rascal. What is his theory? We kick on
your face. [expose your bogus philosophy] That's all. That is
our philosophy. The more we kick on Darwin's face, the more
advanced in spiritual consciousness. He has killed the whole
civilization, rascal.
Prabhupada from a Morning Walk, May 12, 1973, Los Angeles]
I recently
watched a first class documentary which deepened my appreciation
of Prabhupada's statement "He has killed the whole civilization,
rascal." I would like to share this documentary called THE
BLOODY HISTORY OF COMMUNISM with you. You can watch it on the
following links:
Darwin was
a number-one nonsense. Yes. Rascal.
He has confused the whole world.
Prabhupada: Where is that evidence, creation of life from
matter? Is there any evidence in the history?
Dr. Hauser: No, but as we know, the evolution of life has gone
through different stages of... How do you...?
Prabhupada: Darwin's theory. Do you mean to say, Darwin's
Dr. Hauser: Yes, yes.
Prabhupada: That is nonsense. Darwin was a number-one nonsense.
Yes. Rascal. He has confused the whole world.
Dr. Hauser: Hmm. Why...?
Prabhupada: Evolution of matter. Matter cannot evolve. That is
not possible.
Dr. Hauser: But evolution of life...
Prabhupada: What is that life? That is different from matter.
That is a different energy. That I am speaking. Matter is...
Life is the origin of matter. The evolution is not of the
matter, but of the life. That Darwin does not know. Therefore I
say nonsense. He does not know that.
Dr. Hauser: Yes. But I feel in the...
Prabhupada: Just like this is an apartment. So from this
apartment, you go to another apartment. So it does not mean that
this apartment has evolved to that apartment. I, the person, I
create that apartment, or I prefer that apartment. Not that this
apartment has evolved into that apartment.
Dr. Hauser: Yes, I can see what you mean. Yes.
Prabhupada: Yes. Darwin's nonsense is there. He is changing the
apartment. Apartment is becoming a different apartment. That is
not a fact. Just try to understand. This room cannot develop
into another room. But I, the resident of this room, I can go
from this apartment to another apartment. Or I can create
another apartment. This is evolution.
Prabhupada from Room Conversation, with Dr. Christian Hauser,
Psychiatrist, September 10, 1973, Stockholm]