devotees of the Lord are so forbearing that even though they are defamed,
cheated, cursed, disturbed, neglected or even killed, they are never
inclined to avenge themselves."
The devotees of the Lord are so forbearing that even though
they are defamed, cheated, cursed, disturbed, neglected or even
killed, they are never inclined to avenge themselves.
Rsi Samika also knew that the Lord does not forgive a person who
has committed an offense at the feet of a devotee. The Lord can
only give direction to take shelter of the devotee. He thought within
himself that if Maharaja Pariksit would countercurse the boy, he
might be saved. But he knew also that a pure devotee is
callous about worldly advantages or reverses. As such, the devotees
are never inclined to counteract personal defamation, curses, negligence,
etc. As far as such things are concerned, in personal affairs the
devotees do not care for them. But in the case of their being performed
against the Lord and His devotees, then the devotees take very strong
action. It was a personal affair, and therefore Samika
Rsi knew that the King would not take counteraction. Thus there
was no alternative than to place an appeal to the Lord for the immature
boy. (S.B. 1.18.48) |
Dear Prabhu's please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. Please forgive my offenses. I humbly request you to send any quotes from Srila Prabhupada which describe his transcendental qualities and pastimes. In this way together we may be able to compile a book for his glorification and our meditation on his exalted personality. Thankyou. Your servant Mukunda dasa.