"Vaisnava is the ocean of mercy. There is no end. As you cannot, I mean to say, draw all the waters from the ocean, it is not possible.

Similarly, a Vaisnava, a devotee, ocean of mercy. You can draw from it as much mercy as you like; still, it is full."


That was the position of Prahlada Maharaja. He was seeing always God, Krsna, but his father was not seeing because he was atheist. He was asking, challenging, "Where is your God? You are talking of so many times God. All right, I shall teach you a lesson today." So he took his sword and wanted to kill his own son. Atheist is so unkind, cruel, that he is prepared to kill his own son, beloved son, five years old. That is atheism. And theism, the father who tortured him so much. So after the death of his father, he's praying to Nrsimhadeva, "Please excuse my father." This is theism. So that is the difference between Krsna consciousness and ordinary consciousness. They're very kind, everyone. Vancha kalpatarubhyas ca krpa-sindhubhya eva ca. You utter this prayer, krpa-sindhubhya eva ca. Vaisnava is the ocean of mercy. There is no end. As you cannot, I mean to say, draw all the waters from the ocean, it is not possible. Similarly, a Vaisnava, a devotee, ocean of mercy. You can draw from it as much mercy as you like; still, it is full.
So Prahlada Maharaja is the symbolic representation of Vaisnava. So try to be not imitator, but follower.

[Nrsimha-caturdasi Lord Nrsimhadeva's Appearance Day

 Boston, May 1, 1969]



Dear Prabhu's please accept my humble obeisances.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

Please forgive my offenses. I humbly request you to send any quotes from Srila Prabhupada which describe his transcendental qualities and pastimes. In this way together we may be able to compile a book for his glorification and our meditation on his exalted personality. Thankyou.

Your servant Mukunda dasa.